Is there life after bankruptcy?

Filing for bankruptcy is not a life sentence –you will have your financial life back once the bankruptcy is discharged if you develop a new strategy for dealing with debt. The decision to file can be difficult and emotional since you are likely feeling embarrassed and disappointed in yourself. However, there may be a number of contributing factors such as job loss, divorce, or [...]

Is there life after bankruptcy?2023-12-20T14:53:33-05:00

How to budget

Have you ever gone to the ATM machine and taken out cash, then before you realize,  it’s all gone and you’re left scratching your head as to where it all went?  It’s time to get in touch with your money and that starts with creating a budget. Okay, it may not be the most exciting thing for you to do, but it’s an important [...]

How to budget2023-01-31T10:49:32-05:00

Post-holiday debt – what to do?

The holidays are over and now the credit card bills are coming in on top of those utility bills you may have delayed or that missed rent or mortgage payment just to get through the season. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, dive right into that pile of debt and start tackling the problems. Make 2013 the year you finally resolve to get a handle on [...]

Post-holiday debt – what to do?2023-12-20T14:36:35-05:00
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